This is kind of a difficult time of year for me. I guess, now that I think about it, it has been pretty much since I started this blog. Heck, the main reason I started this blog in the first place was so I could vent my frustrations about girls. That hasn't changed, because I really don't get frustrated about a whole lot else other than League, but I get over that pretty quickly. It's just a game, and on top of that, I'm bad at it. I may improve incrementally over time (I'm certainly better at it than I was two years ago), but I'll never truly be good at it, and I'm okay with that. Bad beats happen, they happen frequently, and sometimes they make really mad. But it never takes me longer than a few hours to put it out of my mind.
Girls though. That's another story. A lot of other stories actually, and I think that's what I'm getting at here. When I began this blog, yes, the purpose was to vent. But I also hoped that, in so doing, I could pass along some wisdom somehow. But I think I limited myself because of that. Back in the day, I always tried to include some lesson or nugget of wisdom that I thought might be helpful to anyone reading. Of course, as my readership dwindled, I focused less and less on that and delved more into a kind of self-reflective externalized internal monologue... like thinking out loud on the internet, I guess. I stopped trying to find a lesson or a meaning behind everything, but more often than not my posts would revolve heavily around stories.
I'm a naturally really nostalgic fellow. I look fondly at the past and often wish I could relive it, or parts of it. I love sitting down and telling stories of my past exploits, and I love keeping track of dates and notable moments in my life. It occurred to me not too long ago that, rather than keeping all that information stuffed inside my head until someone happened to ask me a question about something that happened years ago, maybe I should just be my own personal historian. That way I get to tell my stories without bothering anyone in particular, and keeping a written record of things can help jog my memory if the details ever get hazy.
I realize that when I reference my frustrations with girls, it seems like I have several bones to pick with the general female populace, and that's kind of how it started off initially (or at least that's what I wanted it to seem like). But when I say "girls" what I really mean is "a select few particular girls that I've encountered in my lifetime." There are really only 3 truly noteworthy players in the overarching story (thus far) and a few other minor characters here and there. I just don't want it to seem like I have something against women in general, or that I go about carousing with whichever girls I encounter. I just use the term "girls" so I don't have to reference any of the main characters by name.
So if you are reading this (and I still feel it's necessary in almost every post to address the fact that people rarely read this blog anymore), what I'm saying is that I'm probably going to be making sort of a stylistic transition, although that's really a more grandiose term than is warranted. I do have a few ideologically based posts still swimming around my brain (one in particular that I've had cooking for almost a year but never got around to is an analogy I formulated based on missing a key Malphite ult, which does sort of tie together all the things in the world that frustrate me), but from here on out, it'll probably mostly just be assorted memoirs about whatever part of my own history is haunting me at the time. And maybe there will be some kind of moral in every story, I usually like to come up with those. But I think most of all I just like to tell stories.