Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Late Night Drivel

Tonight feels like a night for blogging. I don't have much to say, exactly, but since no one else is saying anything at all, I might as well throw my voice out into the void. I guess it's better than sitting here and watching How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days by myself. I hear it's one of those chick flicks that guys like too (hopefully it's like 27 Dresses, I quite enjoyed that movie)... whatever the case, Dr. Jess recommended it to me on the long and perilous drive back from Smith Mountain Lake back in May (or maybe it was on the way there, I don't remember), so I'll check it out sooner or later. Just not tonight.

It is bloody hot outside and we don't have air conditioning, which makes our house a veritable incinerator. Even at night when it's reasonably cool outside, our house for some reason holds the heat in like a champ. It's like the inferno factor on steroids.

I briefly considered going on a rant about some of the things that bother me, but I don't have the heart. I'd say it's probably the heat, but this has been an ongoing problem, so I don't think I can blame it entirely on the heat. Ranting is just so ineffectual, especially these days.

I almost decided not to post this, just to save it as a draft and maybe come back to it later. Then I realized that's what I do almost every time I come to this page. My blog has mutated from a place where I post my thoughts into a crypt full of half-finished ideas and things I'm just afraid to say to the general public. I've got probably four or five drafts that I spent a good amount of time working on, only to abandon because I couldn't quite figure out how to get across what I was trying to say, or because I realized what I was saying was too personal, or just because whatever I was talking about was ultimately inconsequential. But not tonight. Tonight, this post gets published, inconsequential or otherwise.

I guess I haven't really said much of anything here, but at least stopping by gave me something to do for a little while. I won't bother notifying the Facebook world of this post, since the people who follow this blog will probably find it regardless, and the people who don't probably wouldn't read it anyway. Nevertheless, here it is, a hearty reward ("ha," he said, indicating sarcasm) for those of you dilligent enough to seek it out. It does feel a little cooler in here now. And you know what? I think I will watch that movie tonight.

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