Friday, March 15, 2013

A Brief Interjection

Oh, hello there! Good to see you round these parts again. Yes I know, it's been a while. I haven't posted anything here in a hot minute. Hmm. I think that's the first time I've ever used that phrase, but it seems appropriate, so I'm gonna leave it.

Anyway, I've been gone for a while because... well, I really haven't had much to say. That and I've started playing League of Legends every night after work. Old Bill would be so ashamed of me, but it's actually a really fun game (when you win). The only problem I have is that right now (and likely forevermore) I'm not terribly good at the game, and the only champion I can play and have a shot at winning with is Cho'Gath; if I pick anyone else (except maybe Garen) our team is likely doomed. In a way, it reminds me of Mortal Kombat: Deception, and how if I wanted to be certain of victory, I would just pick Baraka. Except I'm actually good at Mortal Kombat and could beat most people with any character; Baraka was just like hitting the auto-win button. Cho'Gath is like hitting the "if you want to win, you have to press this button first; it's not guaranteed, but if you want any shot at all you have to do it" button.

Speaking of Mortal Kombat, I find it interesting how you can reboot a franchise so easily with time travel. The creative team wrote themselves into a corner at the end of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, although it could easily have been fixed if MK vs. DC was actually canon, and I really feel like they kind of missed an opportunity there. Instead of developing a possible storyline involving Armageddon triggering universe overlap with DC and following it up with mending the rifts and continuing the story from there, they had Raiden, at death's door, telepathically send his past self a riddle (hokey, but whatever) which completely altered the progression of events laid out by the first three games, and frankly, not in a good way. I guess it was decent for restructuring the series for future games, but there was one really weak, cop-out sequence right before the end of the game that just left a terrible taste in my mouth.

I guess that's about all I feel like saying now, since I'm getting a wee bit drowsy. It's not much, but I haven't much of substance to say, so when I do, I will return to the blogging front once more and dive right into the trenches. Until then, dear reader(s?), I bid you a hearty farewell.

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