Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Chill Part 2

Of course I can't sleep. It wouldn't make any sense if I could. I can operate under the pretense that I am vaguely tired and should go to sleep because it's bedtime, but as soon as I lay down, that's when my mind says "NOT IN MY HOUSE!" That's a reference to this commercial, in case I ever forget.

I woke up this afternoon feeling like I had been hit by a garbage truck for some reason. Maybe it had to do with the fact that my subconscious had been assaulted by a series of weird and ineffably miserable dreams, only one of which I actually remember in enough detail to speak about it. I was in line for a showing of the new Evil Dead remake, and while standing there hearing about how horribly violent it was (which was undoubtedly influenced by having read tweets from Gerard Way and Ray Toro about just that), a preview for a claymation movie called "Twitch"  appeared on a screen in the lobby, about a thing that looked like a mixture of Fiddlesticks, the dude from Grim Fandango, and Scud the Disposable Assassin who could sculpt a ball of putty into different shapes and command it either to come to life or to cease living. It weirded me out. That wasn't anywhere near the worst of the dreams, but like I said, I don't remember any of the other ones in any detail at all. I just know they were bad and had to do with girls, and... oh wait. I remember one of them now. It had to do with a girl I used to know leading me on and then leaving me again. That's probably why I was in such a bad mood when I woke up, and why I went back to sleep to unsuccessfully try to wipe that dream out of my mind. Although if I hadn't tried so hard to remember it, I probably wouldn't have, so I guess it was sort of successful. It still didn't help my mood upon waking any though.

I guess if this post had to have a point, it would be that dreams suck because you have absolutely no control over them, and in my particular case, my dreams are usually so vivid and linear that they're capable of influencing my mood once I wake up. It's been like this for the past couple nights now actually, even extending into last week, although last week seemed to alternate between bad and good dreams. We'll see what happens tonight.

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