Monday, December 31, 2018

Keep Moving Forth

My bathroom is clean. I think this may be the earliest I've ever gotten that done on New Years Eve. In fact, it's been clean for about an hour now, and I'm just waiting for the floor to dry so I can move all the stuff back in and get the rest of my room tidied up and in order.

I suppose it doesn't make a difference whether or not my bathroom is particularly clean, since I have no one to impress. Only the usual people are gonna be at the party tonight, and even then, due to the shifting sands of social dynamics, some of those who have been party regulars dating back to the Greatest Party of All Time on New Years Even in 2010 won't be here. But that's okay. I like to have a clean bathroom to start the year, even if I only clean it once or twice for the entire rest of the year thereafter.

I also like to start the year with clean bedsheets. Since this was our first year spending Christmas away from our childhood home (due to circumstances beyond our control, mind you), I changed my sheets for Christmas Eve and had no plans to change them again before New Years. HOWEVER! Meg came in clutch with a brand new Rick and Morty bedset for Christmas, and Natalie gave me a Mr. Poopybutthole body pillow, so as soon as the bathroom is done, I've got my sights set on outfitting my bed with those items, so the clean sheet streak will remain unbroken.

Up till now, I've always intensely considered everything I put up on this blog; I've pored and pondered over it for great lengths of time before deeming it thorough or complex enough to be worthy to be posted permanently on the internet. That is not the case on this day. As I mentioned a year ago, I have yet to go a full calendar year since 2009 without making at least on entry here, and that's another streak I intend to never break. So here we are.

I guess it's about time to go check on the bathroom again. My goal is to come back here more often in 2019, but... that's been my goal for most of the intervening years (thanks for that term, Razorfist) as well, so... we'll see. But at least I've gotten over that mental hurdle of needing to have something arduously prepared before plopping myself down at the keyboard.

For now, I'll close out 2018 by saying that, by and large, the year sucked. It was not the worst year of my life, at least not personally speaking, but it was almost certainly second place, all things considered.

But there were a few bright, shining spots. I got into Rick and Morty. And I discovered Doom. That game has changed my life. I may get into exactly how more later on; I may not. But one thing I am not gonna do is stop moving and let myself get taken down.

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