Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wiz Khalifa In Payphone: I Know That Feel, Bro

Alright. I've had enough of being Emo McGee.

A Christmas present from Danny Latin just arrived in the mail. It's a friggin sweet Calvin and Hobbes wallet, which is perfect because a) I have loved Calvin and Hobbes with all my heart since I was seven years old, b) I need a new wallet, and c) it's the first two panels of the very last strip of the comic, which, if you're familiar with it, is so symbolically perfect right now.

For once, I am so very excited about the future.

There's always a bigger fish.

Onward and upward.

And there you have it.

Short and sweet.

"Don't mourn for me. This is my destiny." -Gerrard

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I Could Be An Accident

No one blogs anymore. I guess I'll take it upon myself to break the silence.

Before I get underway, I just want to say that I write this blog more for myself than for anyone else. I realize that. I don't want to sound like some self-important peddler of internet wisdom talking down to anyone who reads it. But at the same time, I figure if I can sort things out and reach seemingly reasonable conclusions, then maybe someone else could take something useful away from my conclusions as well, which is why I post this stuff online rather than just writing it down in some notebook somewhere that no one will ever read.

The reason I've been stealth-blogging lately is because, when I first started writing this blog, almost every post had a point I felt I could share with people, some bit of insight I'd gleaned from my experiences that I felt was worth passing along. In the last few months, it's been very introspective, and there's a solid chance that no one would take anything useful from them at all. There's a pretty good chance some of the stuff makes no sense to anyone who doesn't know exactly what's going on in my life, and an even better chance that the people who do will make fun of me for what I have to say. I will say this, though: I know the difference between a witch and a Little Sister. I've encountered a witch before. The crying is the telltale sign.

I'm not wrong about Little Sisters. I'm certain of that. Maybe I'm a little too forgiving, but if more people shared that trait, the world would be a better place. Heck, even the witch wouldn't really have been a problem if we hadn't startled her.

But I'm not a genetic experiment. I'm not a Big Daddy. I don't have weapons or plasmids, or a penitent doctor to guide me. To mix my metaphors and toss in a simile, it's like Nick Fury without an Agent Coulson. The Avengers are all there... but they have no motivation.

And that's where everything stands. If it doesn't make sense, that's probably for the best.

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Perspective

I just had a moment of quasi-transcendent thought. Naturally it came, like most moments of its kind, right as I was laying down to try and go to sleep, but such is the nature of the beast.

Before I went to bed tonight, I sat at my computer watching some old videos from different points in my college life. As usual, it was both gratifying and somewhat disheartening to look back at some of my finer moments, in the sense that those were great times, but now they're over. I'm a very nostalgic individual, which is why I have so many videos in the first place. I like remembering. As I laid my head down upon my pillow, I had one of those interchangeable thoughts along the lines of "why did I take _____ for granted back when _____?"


Probably at least in part because I spend too much time thinking about how awesome things were "back then." Instead of wishing I could go back to a given point in the past, I should be focusing on having a good time with what's going on now, because at some point in the future I will inevitably look back on my life as it is now and say "man, that was awesome. Why didn't I take more advantage of that situation?" Simply put, today is the yesterday of tomorrow. Everything always looks better in retrospect, so I should try to squeeze as much enjoyment out of the present as I can while keeping in mind that the past wasn't as sparkly as I remember it. That's probably the best way to keep a solid grip on reality.

So here we go. Welcome to 2013. Let's DO this!