Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Am Pleasantly Warm Because

A few days ago I found my flannel shirt underneath the cushion of this nice little couch here. I was a bit distraught, since I couldn't remember what I had done with the shirt and had looked in every conceivable place, but lo and behold, it was right beneath me the entire time.

Unfortunately, this is not my couch; I sleep on it often enough (sometimes I sleep on the other couch, sometimes on the floor), but I cannot call the couch my own. As a matter of fact, I don't have any space of my own anymore. It's been almost two months since I slept in a bed, which is to say it's been almost two months since I was evicted from my house. I've taken up residence... well, somewhere else, I suppose there's no need to explicitly divulge where I am right now. Everyone from around here knows, and it doesn't really matter to everyone who isn't from around here.

Don't let the posting date fool you, I know it says February 15th, but that's just because I saved a draft on that date and vowed to come back later and actually post something. Why February 15th? Because that was exactly two years from the day that I started this fine blog, and I like to commemorate occasions like that. As I write this, it's actually the wee hours of March 2nd, and I should have begun Mustache March by now, but I haven't yet shaved off the scruff that's been growing on my face for about the last two weeks. I should get on that.

But yeah. It's pretty late (4:09 AM at the moment) and Diana is sleeping on the other couch. "OH MY GOSH WHO IS DIANA?!" Relax kids, Diana is my Asian friend who happens to be one of the other orphans taking refuge in this fine establishment. She's a girl, but I can overlook that particular flaw; we get along pretty well when she isn't eating all the ziti. She assured me last night that she couldn't hear the music through my headphones and that my computer wasn't otherwise keeping her awake, but I'm never sure about those kinds of things, especially with the way I tend to KLACKA-LACKA-LACKA on the keyboard, as Danny Latin could undoubtedly attest. Usually there's a lot going on in this house considering its fairly dense population, but the last two nights have been particularly quiet, and I rather enjoy the respite. It gives me a bit of time to sit and listen to my music and think and... well, work on this blog that I promised Andrew Timm.

Someday soon I'm gonna post something with real substance. Right now though, I have to take the time that's available here and post what I can, since I never know what's gonna be happening in the upcoming days and when I'll get another chance to just sit down without any distractions. I'm probably gonna have to spend most of Thursday and Friday night prepping my standard deck for Gameday on Saturday (the priorities in my life are absolutely in perfect order... I want a full art Black Sun's Zenith, dangit). I know I make pretty much the same excuse at the end of every lame placeholder blog I post, but this is legit. I've got an idea or two cooking, I just need to sit down and get them exactly right. They're nothing revolutionary, but maybe you guys will find them interesting (and Andrew Timm, the writing I was doing in that status I aimed at you is not part of this post, but one of the ideas that I'm kinda-sorta working on, just so you know).

I know you're all comforted by my triumphant return to the blogging scene, if only because now you're reassured that I haven't given up the ship just yet. Aye maties, there are plenty of uncharted waters to traverse, and plenty of other stupid metaphors to abuse along the way. And with that, dear readers, rather than try to artificially cram anything into this post, I'll just leave you be for the night and rest my weary head.

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