Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Oh buddy boy... it's that time again. Time to start... BLOGGING!

Yes yes, I know what you're thinking. Well, it's one of two things.
1. Holy cow, I thought this blog was dead forever, but what great joy it brings me to see new life breathed into it once again!
2. Alright, so what have you got to offer me after all this time?
3. What is this noise?

Okay, so that's three things. I'm rusty, bear with me; it's been over a year since I last picked up the metaphorical pen, and in those 365+ days, I'm certain I've lost some of my touch. Heck, it's been about two and a half years since I did any REAL earnest work on this thing. I know, that's far too long, and to expect anyone to be interested in what I have to say after such an interval is a stretch at best.

But hey, Andrew Timm will read this, and that's good enough for me.

Writing is something I've always personally enjoyed... hang on, I have to get up and go pause my music. I'm not terribly good at multitasking, and any distractions at all cause my thoughts to become muddled.

Okay, that's better. Now there are a few things I have to clear up before anyone starts yelling at me. First of all, while the technical term for what I've got here is a blog, I am not a "blogger" in the conventional sense. I don't aim to follow any particular rules or structure in my posts, and if you take a look at my previous entries you'll note that this is more of a collection of rambling essays than of "blog posts." I'm still gonna refer to them as blog posts though, because that's easier and sounds less ridiculous than saying "rambling essays" all the time. If you know me, then you know that I kind of like to do my own thing, and if you don't know me then you will probably not enjoy this blog in the slightest, as it's mostly intended to entertain myself and some of my good buddies who happen to enjoy my rather opinionated prose. I'm not looking to make a living here, I just want to have a good time.

As a subset of that last point, you've probably encountered the phrase "less is more" on a few occasions in your lifetime. Well kids, that's going out the window here. Brevity, as far as I'm concerned, is not entertaining. I love words, and I like to see what I can do with different combinations of them in front of a period. This, of course, is not to say that I'm going to be long-winded just for the sake of being long-winded, but rather just to emphasize that if I think something sounds better with more words, I'm going to use more and not dummy it down just because you don't feel like taking half a second to scan your eyes over a few extra letters. If you don't like it, go read someone else's nicely contained, bullet pointed list and get the eff off. I ramble, and I enjoy it. This is my blog, not yours, and it's not meant for the "TL;DR" crowd. Those people are morons. If you are among their numbers, I am absolutely not sorry for hurting your feelings.

As you may have noticed by now, this post isn't going anywhere in particular; this is mostly just an exercise to help me get back into the swing of things and to likewise let you know that I'm getting back into said swing. But in the vein of introduction and foresight, I will say this: 2011 was one heck of a year. Good Lord Almighty there is so much I could say about that one single year and everything that happened during its span... I mean, 2009 was a pivotal, life-altering year (and I guess by comparison 2010 was kind of like a fart in the pages of history), but 2011 was... earth-shattering. Yeah, I guess that's a decent hyperbolic way to describe it. So I guess that's what I'll leave you with tonight. Sometime in the near future, I'll give you my take on 2011 and its events. I'd love to get into it now, but it's pretty late and I should probably get some sleep at some point. I don't think I could do a post like that justice in this frame of mind, but it's something I definitely need to tackle.

Oh and one last thing before I go: the date on this post is gonna be February 15th, but in actuality it's March 29th (or 30th technically I guess, since it's after midnight). I'm a stickler for tradition, and there's no way I'm gonna let an anniversary of this blog's creation go without recognition while it still lives. It's now been (over) three delightful years since I first posted on this blog, and hopefully now that I've got a cave of my own in which to lurk, I'll get around to many more posts this year than I have in the last two and a half years. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Keep 'em coming, Bill. I can't blog alone. I'm looking foward to hearing the story of your 2011. I have the feeling it will be a true saga.
