Monday, April 30, 2012

Milk And Cookies

Eating cookies is never a simple matter. Oh sure, it's simple enough in practice, but when you delve a bit deeper, it becomes a matter of delicate balance. Once you start eating a cookie, you get thirsty, and while there are certainly a wide range of options when it comes to beverages, the natural thirst quenching champion in this arena is milk.

But milk is a very tricky substance, and this is where it starts to get complicated. You see, not enough milk, and you have to get up off your butt when you run out so you can finish eating your cookies with the least amount of cognitive dissonance (OH SNAP, SHAKY APPLICATION OF COMS THEORY). Too MUCH milk, on the other hand, and you encounter the opposite problem. You're left with a glass (actually I prefer plastics) of more milk than you can drink comfortably without the aid of cookies, at which point you're forced to retrieve more cookies.

But how many cookies? You have to carefully gauge the amount of milk left in your cup so as not to take too many cookies, because if you do, then you won't have enough milk, and the cycle begins anew. The real art here is in calculating exactly how much milk to put in the cup on the first try; the acquisition of extra cookies only follows after you've already biffed the milk portion.

I find this scenario mirrors the ebb and flow of life's fortunes. What we have is never good enough; we always need something more. Once we've got what we want, we have to move on to the next big thing. After too much of that, we're reminded of why we wanted what we wanted in the first place, until we've had enough of that once again. On and on, back and forth. It's a vicious cycle.

Or maybe I'm the only one who has that much trouble just drinking the leftover milk.

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