Monday, November 5, 2012

Staying Pleasantly Warm

A few posts ago, I mentioned detailing my adventures in 2011, and I'm not sure if I ever called it by name, but I was gonna title it the Tale of 2011 Trilogy and tell it in three parts, because that's what a trilogy is and every story with a heightened sense of self-importance is told as a trilogy, whether it needs to be or not.

Well, I began writing part one, and kept writing.... and kept writing, and kept writing, and kept writing. Boy, was that sucker long, and I didn't even finish it. And that was only the first installment. And then I realized that, as dynamic and life-changing as 2011 was for me, it wouldn't really be that interesting for someone who didn't live it unless I could apply some kind of relevant insight. And then I happened upon the inspiration for my previous post, which allowed me to distill 2011 into a few paragraphs and avoid getting bogged down in details that no one really cared about, like the time we went to Dinosaur Bar-B-Que and I used my time-tested seating arrangement technique to get the girl I liked to sit next to me. Actually, that's probably a bad example because that technique, which I developed and perfected in college, never fails and therefore could probably be useful to someone somewhere, but you get what I'm saying.

Inspiration comes from the strangest of places though. Today's comes from my trench coat. It's missing, and it's very distressing. I loved that coat. But if we rewind the clock once again to 2011, we'll see that I was so busy having my world turned upside down and then right side up again that I only had time to write one blog, for which the inspiration was my flannel shirt. Interestingly enough, that shirt had been missing for some time up until a few days before I wrote that post, the loose theme of which was the sense of relief and contentment I felt at having found my shirt after giving up on the search a long while before. And the funny part about it was that the shirt had been literally (and I mean that in the literal sense of the word "literally," not the figurative sense that's been spreading like a plague throughout our culture) underneath me the entire time, stuffed in the couch cushions.

So here I am, missing my trench coat. I was a bit concerned about it before, but upon remembering that I eventually found my flannel shirt, I relaxed a little bit. My coat will probably turn up. I'm confident that it will; not 1000% positive, mind you, but confident. And if it doesn't... well, life goes on. For as much as I want my trench coat, I don't need it. Yes, I loved that coat and it will always have a special place in my heart even if I don't find it, but I have other jackets and other frankly warmer coats.

Don't get me wrong. I really hope I find it. But if not, at the end of the day, I'll find something to keep me warm. This one's for you, trench coat.

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