Tuesday, November 27, 2012

$1.05 Surcharge

Earlier today, I made some tentative plans to get together with some guys and play EDH this Sunday. It's funny the things you take for granted. Or maybe it's just me. Something simple like having free time and using it to do something I'm interested in, and being able to make uncontested plans without consequence... when I was in a relationship, that's all I wanted to be able to do; my own thing, without having to report to anyone or make sure there weren't any other plans I was violating before I went ahead and said "yeah, let's play Magic on this day at this time, that'd be fun." That was the thing that was missing from my life, and now I've got it back.

So there's that.

Like I said, funny the things you take for granted. I think sometimes life gives you what you want because you're supposed to have it. Other times, it gives you what you want because... well, it'll take any sucker's money.

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