Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm Doing Science And I'm Still Alive

Oh, hi folks! I decided to stop by this corner of the internet again to see if anyone had posted anything, and much to my wondrous delight, there were a few new blog posts on my reading list, which is very encouraging indeed. For the most part, I figure nobody really checks in here very often, and for the most part, that's just as well, but if you are here and you did stop by to see if I had posted anything new... well first of all, thank you for reading, and second, I do have new material on the way. I always have quite a bit on my mind, it's usually just a matter of condensing and formatting it so as to be comprehensible to anyone reading. At the moment, however, I'm about a hundred pages shy of finishing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I cannot, in good conscience, spend a significant amount of time composing my largely irrelevant thoughts while the rest of this series remains unread. It does kind of suck that I already know that, sadly, Harry doesn't end up with Cho, and I think it's quite a shame... although I'd bet pretty much everyone disagrees with me.  But that's just how it goes.

Okay. Back to reading. See you in a bit.

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