Thursday, September 26, 2013

The King Of Free Life Conquers Again

I know I said I wasn't gonna post again until I was finished with Harry Potter, and currently I'm a little less than halfway through Half-Blood Prince, but I put the series on pause to read Kevin Smith's book Tough Sh*t, since Danny Latin lent it to me when he came up a couple weeks ago, and I need to finish it before I head down to Lynchburg for Andrew's wedding in a couple weeks.

Think about that. Another man down in less than a month. Pretty soon, just three of us will be left, and of those three, only two are truly single. A sobering statistic.

Anyway, the reason I broke my self-imposed silence was because I finished my provisional ranked matches in League of Legends tonight, and was placed in... Gold V. Yes. Gold. Unbelievable, right? Some might call it the greatest misplacement in League history. I'd call it that, because I'm terrible at League. Somehow though, due to a combination of duo queuing with Danny Latin (who was able to carry the majority of my matches) and my MMR (which apparently is reasonably high, considering I consistently play with high Silver/low Gold Elo players), I got dumped into Gold following an 8-2 record in my placement matches.

And if I can get to Gold, well... I can do anything. And that, incidentally, is what one of the early chapters of Kevin Smith's book is all about: believing you can accomplish whatever it is you set out to do, and because of your belief/will/determination, actually succeeding at it. Considering I've pulled that strategy off successfully a few times myself now, I have good reason to believe he's right.

That said: I ain't heard no fat lady.

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