Saturday, November 26, 2016


This will not be the first year I neglect to publish a single post on this blog.

I've put up at least one post every year since I started it back in 2009. And I think 2011 was the only year when I wrote only a single post.

So at the very least, I've kept that streak going. Plus, this has been a day. I needed to go somewhere and write something. I have a lot of somethings to say. My 2016 recap is swiftly approaching, and my 2015 recap is long overdue. I don't know if I'll even get to the latter before the end of 2016.

Also I'm tired. I'm not putting a whole lot of effort into this. I'm just going. This used to be a place for thought-provoking insight to spur discussion (or at least that's what I wanted it to be). Not anymore. It's little more than a diary. I didn't even follow through with my plan for it to be a place where I shared stories, probably because I have to be approaching a reasonably intense degree of sadness to even make my way over here.

That's exactly the kind of thing I never would have said outright before. But lack of regular posts (and removal of links from my social media accounts) guarantees pretty much zero readership. I still don't want to get too specific, but I'm here because what I really want to do right now is Late Night Twitter Confessional... but I know people are looking at Twitter right now. And we can't have them seeing my updates in real time. If they stumble upon them later, that's fine. But not now.

I don't have the necessary degree of stoicism to take it to my journal, and I don't have the energy (mental or physical) to pull out my Super Secret Notebook Where I Write My Feelings. It's not a diary, because I pretty much only write my feelings on one very specific, very pathetic topic. I haven't done it in a while (maybe more than a year), but if I were going to... today would be the day.

Oh and for future reference, the title is a reference to the Christmas episode of Black Mirror, just because I'm genuinely concerned I might come back here someday, read this post, forget what I was going on about, and wonder why I titled it like I did. This should be enough to spur my memory, should it fail. You think it never will, but it does, as I've learned from reading a good number of incredibly vague Facebook statuses from years gone by.

Anyway, like I said, now I've got my one post in for the year, and I think I may be able to get to Late Night Twitter Confessional now.

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