Sunday, February 15, 2009

Andrew Clark Stole My Signoff

Yes folks, you heard correctly. Andrew Clark, the very being who guided me to create this newest venture into the world of bloggery, the spiritual teat under whose tutelage I suckled for three years, took my word in the introductory post of his own blog (which resides at I am supremely offended and will surely never forgive him. Not to mention he was just recently terrorizing the screen of my laptop with a tape measure, pulling it toward him so that my viewing angle was slightly inconvenient. What a cad.

Of course, I say all this in jest. But guess what - I have a new blog.

Watch out, world.

And, just to settle the score, I will end this introductory post with this fabled saying:

"We are off to paint the night red with our love and our blood and the best of intentions."
-Andrew J. Clark
May 10, 2005

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