Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Great Cosmic Mouse Trap

Today I find myself sitting in the courtyard at a table by the flagpole, which itself is situated on the island that we use for the jail whenever we play Jailbreak. It's so beautiful outside I decided I'd sit here for a while, and having no other reason to perpetuate my stay, creation of a blog post seemed a viable option. I don't have much to say today, but it's been far too long since I posted a blog (nearly three weeks now), and I find the lack of other bloggery in this circle slightly less than satisfying, so I figured I might as well at least attempt to end the drought.

Lacking the meal swipes to go to the Rot for dinner (I have already used seven this week and need the other three for the forthcoming meals), I opted to go to the Hangar and pick up some Pizza Hut after our last Media Theory class of the semester, which is why I'm in the courtyard at this particular moment. There's basically no one else here; it was a little more populated when I first got my food, but in the last half hour pretty much everyone has cleared out. Man it's nice out... I've spent a good deal of time outside the last few days as a result, and a lot of that time has been spent wandering aimlessly around campus. I do enjoy walking very much, and with weather this good, I can't pass up the opportunity. Who knows when it's gonna rain again? And when it rains around here, it doesn't stop for days.

It is April 28th, and we are now two years removed from the glorious excursion that took place on the occasion we have dubbed "My Chemical Romance Day." Two years ago right now, myself, Andrew Clark, Ryan Trammell and his brother Kent, and Aaron Goslar were all awaiting the arrival of Muse on the stage at William and Mary, and while their show was certainly excellent, I had a feeling that the best was yet to come, and I was not wrong. My Chemical Romance blew me away, and to this day that has been one of the most exciting and entertaining experiences of my life.

My Pepsi and personal pan cheese pizza are now gone, leaving only the breadsticks and sauce that I am saving for when I get hungry after hall meeting. This will be the "white glove" hall meeting, the last of the year, where we are told (some of us for the 5th time now) the standards to which our rooms must be clean before we leave for the year. I can't believe the year is almost over. I remember the day we had our white glove hall meeting four years ago... a bunch of us went to East Campus to film ourselves doing stupid things on my video camera (a common pastime in those days), and then during our last prayer group, Phil John threw my Yankee hat out the window. Now I live on East Campus. My, how times have changed. Yet in some ways, they haven't. The mouse trap I refer to in the title is a fine example of this. "The best laid plans of mice and men..." As good as we think our ideas are, we're all gonna get caught in God's mouse trap sooner or later. This remains a constant, and it sure is funny. Funnier still is the fact that we never learn. The question is: is that cheese really worth it? If it is, maybe we won't have to skirt a trap to get to it.


  1. That day was glorious...I can't think of an event that has topped it since.

    My how time flies...

  2. It is unbelievable to think it has been half a decade since freshman year started. Soon it will be 10 years, then 20...ugh.

    But the MCR and Muse concert was an event that probably won't ever be surpassed for glory and greatness. It was truly a standout moment in life.
