Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top 5 Thoughts Of... Today

It's been a few months and I know there are one or two of you out there who actually read this, and I had a few unclassifiable things running through my brain case today, so here we go. Naturally, I thought of all this while I was at work, but I had the good sense to actually jot down some notes so I would have a framework upon which to build.

So here we go:

1. "This iced coffee is delicious. We're teetering on the edge of perfection here." Like I said, I was at work, and it has been my ritual lately to swing by McDonald's and get a large hazelnut iced coffee on my way in. For some reason, no other coffee quite does the job; Dunkin Donuts' tastes good, but it doesn't give me the energy that McDonald's does. I don't know why, but there you have it, and today's was particularly delicious, with just the right blend of cream, sugar, and hazelnut syrup.

2. What I wouldn't give to be able to wander down the hall, barge into 305, and declare "Oh, HI folks!" before launching into the Billcast. Catharsis at its finest, and I could surely use it.

3. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was a fun game, and not at all destructive, despite what Danny Latin maintains about the time he just cut the power to my computer while I was in the middle of playing it.

4. I ran a mile in Wii Fit yesterday, so I effectively hopped back and forth on my feet for 14 solid minutes. My calves are on FIRE.

Well that was brief enough. I should probably do this more often.

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