Friday, December 31, 2021

199/264 U Spotlight: Act III -OR- Who Would Believe It?

And so we find ourselves, loyal readers (lol), once again at the end of another year, and that means one thing: it's time to post! Gotta squeak one in at the buzzer each year so we can technically say I've maintained this blog """"regularly""" for over a decade now (since February 15th, 2009, as a matter of fact). One post each year counts, and it's now become something of a tradition to post only on New Years Eve. This year I told myself I was gonna get my annual recap of the existential-crisis-that-was out of the way early, because I knew I'd likely be too busy to sit here and thoughtfully review the last year on the afternoon before it ends. Turns out I was actually too busy to do it even BEFORE today. But the Lord provides (and won't He do it! ☝), and here we are, afforded an opportunity to do just that, even if I am on something of a clock. So let's get down to it, shall we?

What a year.  I'm not gonna mince words here: I have found the love of my life. And don't get it twisted: this isn't some kind of "I'm seeing someone, and things are looking good" sentiment. It's not "I like her a lot, she could be the one." No, I am truly, madly, deeply, savage gardenly in love with this girl. She IS The One. She is my soulmate. I am indeed going to spend the rest of my life with her. We're engaged. We have a wedding date. There is a long story; it all happened somewhat quickly, and yet it took quite a bit of time to percolate. If you're somehow still following this blog and don't have access to the finer details, send me a text and I'll loop you in. I can think of exactly one person to whom this scenario MIGHT apply.

So yeah. I'm donezo; spoken for; taken; off the market. Forever. Kinda renders the whole blog moot, right? I mean virtually everything I have written here has been an expression of frustration over just how hard it is to cultivate or maintain a relationship with one girl or another. I've referenced a number of them specifically (without naming any names, I believe, aside from one instance where a friend of mine eventually became my girlfriend). I've pined and plotted and lamented my terrible fortune when things didn't go the way I'd hoped. And I was often hopeful for things that thankfully never happened. But it all happened for a reason. All of it, every experience I ever had with a girl, everything I ever poured into this blog, was leading up to this. This one manifestation of love that is the closest approximation to perfection this side of heaven.

I have never been happier.

And one of the the best things about all this is that I don't have to look back on the lessons I've learned from past relationships and say "well I was wrong about that." I am encouraged by the fact that my precise approach to life and its hardships is what got me to where I am today. Sure, my expectations were off in certain areas, but ultimately my outlook was correct, and the biggest takeaway from my last heartbreak is no less applicable now that I have found true love. And that lesson is to just keep going. No matter what life throws at you, keep going. As long as you're still going, the story isn't over.

Oh AND. I have to wrap this up pretty soon, because I do have things to take care of before our New Years party tonight, BUT! Let me just leave you with another postscript, and please, PLEASE take this to heart: The One exists. I know it because I have found her. Soulmates are real. If you're with someone and you don't think they're you're soulmate... they're not. If you don't believe in The One, it's because you haven't found him or her yet. Hold out for that person. It will be worth it, I promise.

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