Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Could Make A Demi Lovato Song Title Joke Too, Among Other Things

I've never posted a blog in December before, so here we go, forging ahead into uncharted territory. Just a heads up, this blog isn't going to be about anything in particular.

Last December, my video game of choice was Saints Row: The Third, which had, in my opinion, two of the greatest set pieces in video game history. One of those scenes featured "Holding Out For a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler, so naturally, having been reminded of that, I have to play the song now. Currently, I'm working my way through Bioshock 2, an event nearly three years in the making (since it came out in early 2010, just after I finished the first Bioshock), and the game does not disappoint. It's good to have a game in which to lose myself again; sleepless nights are much better spent with engaging activity than in the sole company of a wandering mind.

Of course, the reason I'm able to play Bioshock 2 in the first place is because Missy got it for me as a birthday present. Two years ago in December, Missy was Lauren's friend from Greene who came up to visit every so often and who then helped inspire one of the most oft-repeated lines in Highland Ave Era history: "I'M NOT DRUUUUUUNK!" At that point, I never would have imagined that someday she'd be bugging me to do the dishes all the time. I did always think you were cool though Missy, in case you're reading this. But I'm pretty sure you know that already.

And then if you go back to December three years ago, Taylor Swift was just dumping Taylor Lautner, and then she wrote a song about it, called "Back To December."  That was when I had my first designs on Bioshock, which has absolutely nothing to do with Taylor Swift (I just wanted to do the "back to December" thing). I didn't pick it up until after Christmas though, when I bought it in a two pack with Oblivion for 20 bucks. I still haven't tried Oblivion because it just doesn't interest me at all. The same goes for Skyrim.

Maybe looking back like this is my brain's way of setting itself up to finally write the all-encompassing recap of 2011. A few months ago I said I was gonna do it, and I started it, but never finished. And of course of all of these past Decembers, the one that sticks in my mind the most is 2010, probably because I was on the precipice of that life-changing perfect storm of events. Or maybe that was just a particularly awesome December. Maybe I'm wrong about everything, and we're all just bumbling through life without any particular trajectory. I can't bring myself to believe that, though.

I apologize if you read this far looking for a nugget of wisdom. Then again, I did warn you in the second sentence of the post that this wouldn't be about anything. Sometimes, I just like to write. And I'm not really the wisdom nugget authority anyway.

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