Friday, March 13, 2009

I Smell Like Smoked Cheese

Holy crap, two blogs in a matter of days? Unprecedented! It just so happens to be one of those nights where I'm not quite tired enough to go to bed, but I don't really have much to do, and I've got a decent amount on my mind that I'd like to flush into the sewer of the internet to be processed and refined by the treatment plants of readers' brains. Currently I am in love with Kelly Clarkson's new song, "My Life Would Suck Without You." If you've never heard it before, go listen to it right now. RIGHT NOW. And don't complain to me that you don't have it, look it up on YouTube for cryin out loud, it's there. It's easily her best song ever, and I'm considering elevating to the much-coveted status of Near Perfect Song. There are only two other songs already in this category, and let me tell you, this is no freaking joke. We're talking about the big leagues here, a level of musical enlightenment that is never even approached by most songs in existence. There are, however, some factors that may keep this particular song from achieving the closest thing known to musical Nirvana, namely a lack of significant amounts of awesome harmonization and only a pretty good message (as opposed to a phenomenal one). The jury is still out, but man I really love the song regardless.

Over the course of this break, I've participated in an inordinate number of activities sponsored by my alma mater, Christian Brothers Academy: the annual Phone-a-thon, which is a fundraiser whereby they attempt to suck money from the alumni by calling them and asking for it; the Section II basketball championship, which, as I said in my last post, we won; and the CBA "Cadet Players" production of The Boyfriend, CBA's annual Spring musical. Granted, I was only involved with the play so much as my participation as Bogus Backstage Security/Unnecessary Elevator Operator allowed, but still, I was officially sanctioned by the higher-ups in the organization, and I'm credited in the program book. This, of course, gave me license to go to the cast party tonight at the house of one of the girls in the play. This was my first legit high school party; I did go to one party while in high school, but it was a cast party for the musical we did in my junior year (the show was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and I was in the Pit Band) and it was held at the house of the Pit Band director, so I don't put that on the same level as one that is student-run. Note that I just now, as a graduate student, attended a high school party; this is because I was a loser in high school. Whether I still am today is debatable, although I do have more friends now. Anyway, being reasonably disconnected from the high school scene, I was able to stand back a bit and just observe the general goings on of the evening. In truth, it kind of took me back to my days in that social context, and reminded me of how akward it was to be a guy who from an all-guys school who doesn't really know any of the girls and lacks the reasonable means to approach them, while also acknowledging the fact that it would be basically futile to even try to get to know them at all, because in all likelihood I would never see them again after this weekend. Just so you know, I'm not chasing after high school girls or anything like that, I'm just saying, it reminded me of what it was like back then, which was interesting. I do miss those days though, and I do so especially this week after having participated in all these activities. There's something about proximity to familiar experiences that makes you wish you could recapture them somehow... or maybe that's just me and my unwarranted sentimentality.

I suppose tonight's blog is short-form, which is just as well, because I really should get some sleep. I've got more elevator duty tomorrow night, followed by another cast party, and even though I inherently don't fit in due to the differences in age demographics, I'm somewhat proud of the fact that I can enjoy myself even with a younger group of people. Singing along to pop songs played by Chris on accoustic guitar is a real blast. Anyway, I guess that's something to think about, maybe more for me than for you, but whatever. Throwing the contents of my brain onto the web is what I do here.

Oh and for anyone who is wondering, I smell like smoked cheese because they had a fire at the party tonight, around which we were singing the aforementioned songs just like a bunch of neo-private-school hippies with no drugs and better fashion sense, and to say that I simply smell like smoke might imply the scent of cigarettes, which is not the scent I possess. You know what I mean.

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